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- You will never know how much you and your family's service has helped us throughout the decision making of our 12 yr old cat (Kado) and his passing, we never heard of an animal getting cremated and their ashes returned to their owners before, but are we glad we found "Faithful Companion", and we our glad we chose cremation. Kado was our first furry friend that we've lost, you helped us to be able to keep him close in spirit with the returns of his ashes in an urn. It sits on my bedside stand, sometimes I take him in the living room with us, we couldn't have done it a better way. It gives us comfort knowing that the six animals that we have left will be cared for just as well as Kado was. May God bless you and your family. The Lamberts
- While nothing will console my family and I relative to the loss our deeply loved and beloved Golden Retriever, Duke, words fail to express the immeasurable comfort you afforded us through the devoted, caring, and compassionate attention you provided to our 'Bunny'. Outside of truly believing that we will one day be reunited with Duke, our greatest comfort in all of this has come from the same-day, respectful treatment and handling he received following his death. Knowing that he was cared for in such a dignified and caring manner, and having him returned to his home within 24 hours of leaving us is the only thing that has made our overwhelming pain and loss bearable. I don't know what we would have done without Jason during this process. He responded quickly to our needs, despite that it was on a Saturday and was understanding, patient and supportive throughout the arrangement process. When he returned our precious 'Bunny' to us on Saturday evening, Jason was extremely professional and expressed a genuine sympathy for our loss. His warmth and compassion will not be forgotten. Jason and FCM, thank you beyond measure for your compassionate kindness to our Faithful Companion - it genuinely means more than you can know. Bill and Toni
- You have no reason to know or remember us, or our " ALEX ", but we will never forget you! Some people call them " pets ", but " ALEX " was our friend, and your help, kindness, and compassion after our loss of that friend was evident, and greatly appreciated, even at long distance, and over the phone. We don't want to ramble on, we just wanted to let you know that even though we grieve over our lost friend, you and your staff have impressed us, and to say THANK YOU. David and Lynn
- I finally got around to sending you this thank you that is meant from the bottom of my broken heart. Your staff treated my best friend "Brody" along with my husband and myself with the most professional and caring support that I can't let go unnoticed. I thank you ever so much for all your understand and gentle care you gave to us. I feel so blessed that we were able to find out about your business through going to the Detroit Dog Show. You made us feel like we were very important to you, asked repeatedly if we needed anything. I was so happy that your staff let us stay and watch our Brody go through the process and come home with us afterwards. I feel grateful that I never left my best friend's side. And I have you to thank for that peace of mind. Thank you ever so much. Carol and Doug
- It has been 6 months today since our beloved Mookie passed away. I can't tell you how comforting it is to have her with us forever, because of you and your family and the wonderful thing you do for families. Only an animal lover could understand what we went through when she passed away. Thank you again for being there for us, even though we didn't get a chance to meet with any of you face to face. Sincerely, Chris Ken Mike Andrew & Amanda (Moe Moe and Schneeker too)
- I would like to express my graditutde to Tim, his Family, and Staff. My precious Rascals died on Janurary 19, 2009. Battling cancer for 2 years. Rascals was just 4 years old and he brought such joy to our family. Rascals is in a better place, Rainbow Bridge. You and your family made things so much easier. It took one phone call and a Faithful Companionship took care of the rest. We want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, on making things a lot easier to go through this grieving process. Thank you again! Sincerely, Yvonne Hildebrandt Charlie, Sabrina, and Abby
- I just wanted to express my appreciation for the attention and care given to my cat Boo. Your representative Jim drove Boo's remains to our house the evening of the snow storms last Saturday. Thank you for helping make a very difficult time a little easier to bear. Jeannie Pletcher
- I said goodbye to my sweet girl Venus January 10, 2009 after 14 years and 7 months of having her in my life. Though it wasn't easy letting my girl go on to Heaven to be with her sister who passed on in 2007, I was comforted knowing she was in your care. From the moment I contacted Faithful Companion Memorials, I was treated with nothing but respect and compassion. I couldn't think of a more dignified and beautiful way for my beloved girl's physical essence to remain with me here while her soul has gone on to Heaven. Thank you for your service, Dana Rasmussen
- Dear Tim, I would just like to take a momment and thank you and your son's for the kindness you showed for me and my dog Buster he was a 95lb Black Lab. He became ill the day after Chistmas 08, i gave him a couple of day's in hopes he whould pull out of it but on New Years Eve it was apparent he was getting worse I took him to Affiliated Veterinary Emergency Service in Southgate Mich.There assessment was that he was suffering from Regenerative Amemia and his liver was failing. I could not afford the treatment that they recommened so i had to let him go.I opted for the Group Cremation.The next day on 1-2-09 i called your office to find out what plot he whould burried at Pet Momorial Park,I talked to one of your sons and he said he would call me at the end of the mounth and let me know. I no sooner hung up with him and you called me back offering a individual cremation at no cost this really touch my heart on 1-3-09 Buster was back home with us.I want to thank you again from the bottom of my heart. May God Bless You And Keep You. Gordon Stewart and the family of Buster.
- Dear Tim, My dog, Buster, was cremated at your facility on Monday, October 20. The kindness, respect, and professionalism you, your sons (especially Rick), and your entire staff extended to me, my cousin, Jan, and my sweet boy were far beyond my expectations. The efficiency with which everything was orchestrated and the way I saw your staff handling the boxes in the holding area gave me immense comfort. I am confident that even if I hadn’t stayed to witness, Buster would have been given his due respect. When I go over the events of that day, one of the few comforting thoughts I have is that Buster’s life didn’t’ come down to the fact that he weighed 13. 6 lbs. I know he was treated with the same care as the field mouse you told us about or as if he had been a former Westminster Kennel Club Champion; and that’s’ the way it should have been. He meant the world to me in the same way I know those animals would to their owners. He kept me from being lonely and his very presence calmed me when things went bump in the night. I have told so many people about the positive experience I had at your facility and the tremendous sense of closure it gave me. I’m so grateful to still have Buster with me in some small way and to have something tangible to focus on when I tell him how much I miss him. I wish I knew for sure where Buster’s spirit is now, but even if he’s just a memory in my heart and mind it’s reassuring to know that I was able to thank him for his 13 years of faithful companionship by staying with him throughout his final journey. I’ll probably require your services again someday for another beloved pet I will acquire in the not-too-distant future; but at least the trepidation of the process won’t be there. And one day it will be me delivered to your facility in a wooden box. But my mind is at ease because I know now that I also will be treated with dignity and respect; and for that, there are just no words to express my gratitude. Sincerely, Carolyn