Customer Testimonial

Juli Lessl

My beloved friend (Cooper), of 15 years passed a few weeks ago. I entrusted Faithful Companion to handle Cooper’s aftercare. I cannot express enough the outpour of empathy and compassion Faithful expressed. I truly encountered two of the most kind and compassionate individuals I have ever met. Those being, Patti and Dan! Patti sat with me, expressed her condolences and support. Her patience and kindness will never be forgotten. Dan was just as wonderful. He allowed me to stay with Cooper as long as I needed. Dan was gentle with Cooper as he laid him in his final “bed”. He spoke to me with a compassion and kindness in his voice that I will always remember. It is heartbreaking times like this when individuals such as Patti and Dan are so appreciative. And, I am positive they have the same kindness and compassion in their everyday lives! I will NEVER choose another facility to handle the care of my pets. They truly are an outstanding group of individuals. Thank you Dan and Patti, love and hugs to you both!!

Kindness regards,
