Mr. Peach

    We adopted Mr. Peach on April 14, 2006, from the Michigan Humane Society. He and his sister, Lucky (now know as Miss Kitty) were seven years old and had to be adopted together. Miss Kitty is solid black and they made a striking duo when I found their pictures on the MHS website. Within an hour, we were on our way to see them.

    It had been nine months since we lost our 20-year-old silver tabby, Chessie, and I was finally ready to consider adopting another cat. Admittedly, we were a little apprehensive about adopting two senior cats but we felt that they would, at the least, be companions for each other when we weren’t home. A few minutes in the get-acquainted room didn’t have me convinced. Lucky was more interested in the passers-by on the other side of the glass. Finally, I picked up Mr. Peach (even though his paperwork said that he didn’t like to be picked up) and put him on my lap. After a few pets, he purred softly and, at that moment, I was convinced that they needed to come home with us.

    When we brought them home, they seldom left each other. It was almost if they were Siamese twins. After a couple of weeks, they became more confident of their surroundings. In short order, they adopted us! Miss Kitty preferred my wife’s company and Mr. Peach preferred my lap. During the years that followed, Mr. Peach and I spent MANY relaxing hours on the recliner. His usual position was between my knees so that one hand could pet his tummy while the other stroked his back. Eventually, he got in the habit of sitting next to chair and meowing, as if to say “It’s chair time, Daddy.” And I always tried to accommodate him when he did this. Mr. Peach also followed me through the house a lot, and whenever I sat down, it wasn’t long before he was in my lap and purring loud enough to rattle the windows.

    Fast forward to August, 2012. There were increasing signs of intestinal problems and a visit to Gasow’s resulted in a referral to Oakland Veterinary Referral Service where there was a staff of specialists to evaluate his case. The Internal medicine specialist recommend that he have an ultrasound as the first step. That led to a recommendation for exploratory abdominal surgery to determine if he had cancer. Unfortunately, the diagnosis was intestinal lymphoma. However, the Oncologist told us that treatment with Prednisolone and Leukeran (a chemotherapy drug) had good outcomes in prolonging quality of life. He remained on this therapy until July 7 when his personality changed. He became lethargic and his intake of food and water diminished drastically. Another visit to OVRS revealed pancreatitis but his pupils were very dilated which became a major concern. A whirlwind week of more specialists led to a diagnosis of a neurological problem but they couldn’t be more specific than that. It seemed to us that Mr. Peach’s super personality had gone. After a CT scan was inconclusive, we decided that he had endured enough needles, poking, and probing.
    On July 12, 2012, we went back to OVRS to be with him for his final moments. After holding him on our laps for about 15 minutes, we gave the doctor permission to proceed. At 11:20 PM, he slipped away, the tension leaving his body as he was freed from the pain and suffering.

    We like to think that we saved the lives of Mr. Peach and Miss Kitty in 2006 when we adopted them. And though we loved him for only 7 of his 14 years, we feel that we compressed 14 years of love in those 7 years. Miss Kitty survives and hopefully she will share her love with both of us now. It’s going to take a very long time to get over the loss of Mr. Peach.
    My wife added this poem about Mr. Peach and me:
    Just a cat
    Yes, he was just a cat
    A cat who followed a man
    Around a house
    A cat who meowed for the man
    To sit in his chair and make a lap.
    A cat who rattled the windows
    With his purrs
    A cat who stole the hearts of two
    People who loved him
    A cat who left too soon
    And was
    Just a cat.

    • July 15, 2013
      I'm sure Mr. Peach was very happy that he adopted you and Arlene. You gave him a happy loving home even though he was "just a cat".
    • July 16, 2013
      Poor Mr. Peach, I'm sure Roe, Arlene and Miss Kitty will be sad for a long time. It reminds me of our cats Punky and Red Rover who we lost in 2000. Rover looked like Mr. Peach, and now we have Zoe who also looks like Peach. I'm partial to orange striped cats. Well......our memories of our pets are the best. Take care. xoxo
    • July 30, 2013
      I ran across your page while visiting another. Your story sounds like ours. After our first cat died, a year later I was looking for 2 older cats from the Humane Society. I came across the 2 we adopted. Sequoia was so wild the lady at the shelter couldn't catch him in the cat room. Eventually I ended up dropping him out of a paper bag he was hiding in and carried him a across the hall. He sat on the table and let me pet him like a docile cat. The other cat walked around our legs and hissed at him. I was going to leave her there, but the lady said we had to take both because they came from the same house. He was 8 and she was 9. She (Fluffy) was my husband's cat and did the same thing with him as Mr. Peach did with you. My paper bag kitty became mama's boy. In late May and early June , Fluffy began losing a lot of weight. We took her in for tests, eventually had an ultrasound and a feeding tube put in, but she became very jaundiced and we had to let her go on July 5th. They think she had cancer. We never got a definite diagnosis. After several months of working on the weekends (at home) and not being able to watch tv with her, my husband and I spent our first weekend this week in the tv room. It was very sad. We would always watch the CBS Sunday Morning Show and she loved the segment at the end with the wild birds and animals. It always got her attention. He no longer has his tv buddy to cuddle with. She used to sit between his legs or on one side of them and lean against him, just like Mr. Peach liked to do. We only had her 5 years, but like you said, we hope we gave her 14 years of love in those last 5 years. She was an IBD cat, with bathroom issues, so I doubt anyone else would have put up with that like we did. I believe we gave her a great life for 5 years, and I'm sure if we could ask her she would tell us we gave her a good life. Rest in peace sweet Fluffy and Mr. Peach.
    • December 20, 2017
      I loved reading the story of Mr. Peach. He was a most beautiful cat. He loved his people as much as you loved him. We will never forget your fur baby! The poem is perfect!

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