
Location: Charlotte, NC

We found her in the woods on our property when she was 8 weeks old. She bit me. She was not wanting to be caught. 3 days later she spent 5 days in the hospital with parvo. We originally thought she was a border collie mix & I followed all training advice which worked but she had lots of fear based aggression issues which we continued working through. She was very smart. We had a game for the first 2 yrs of her life called Tricks for Treats. She not only learned tricks but taught us many things as well. Like that she understood concepts like choosing toys or treats or if I told her not to growl at the other dogs, she would just “smile” at them. The silent threat. Lol

We are convinced she knew more English than commands and people’s names. We could say “go find daddy” or “where’s mommy” and she would find us. “Keep an eye on grandma” and she would not leave my mom. I’d tell her “grandma and grandpa are coming” and she would look our the window for them. She would remind me when it was time to feed the ponies. She loved going to the barn and barking at them.

Although she was very independent and not needing much attention, we would frequently hug her and she would tolerate it. I think she came to enjoy all the attention. She was so soft and fuzzy and smelled so good. Not like a dog at all.

At almost 14 she came down with osteosarcoma, She had to have a hind leg amputated. She healed quickly and was back up and running, with some assistance of a hind end harness and my husband. Less than 4 months later, it showed in her lungs, her spine and possibly her abdomen. On March 29th it became obvious we were not going to win this battle and she had to leave us 14 yrs and 4 days to the date that we found her.

She will always be our precious puppy. We will always miss her. Who would have thought a puppy we found in the woods would mean so much. She was the best dog ever. We just can’t believe she is gone.

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6 Responses

  1. Sich a BEAUTIFUL tribute to BEAUTIFUL Soul. As my tears flow, my heart smiles knowing Gabby’s entire life was well-lived and well-lpved.

    Thank you so much for sharing this very, very special Soul with us.

    Pay attention, Gabby will let you know shes’s still around.

    Love and light

    Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. We are so very, very sorry. It’s never easy to say goodbye.

    Gabby lived the dream life doggies hope for, you gave her your heart and everything she could desire. What a lucky, lucky girl. May those memories be the glue that puts your broken heart back together as time goes on.

    Run free Gabby, you will always be our hero.

  3. Amazing story. You were meant to be together, and you have her a wonderful life. Please find peace in that.

  4. What a wonderful remembrance of Gabby! Brought a tear to my eye! You gave her a great home and a great life and she loved you! Her footprints will always be on your heart. xxxooo

  5. This is so sweet! What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful, deeply loved pet and family member! Christine and Andy, you will have her in your heart forever. Tears streaming now, remembering my beloved pets and knowing your silent pain. She is at peace. Love you both! Elizabeth

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6 Responses

  1. Sich a BEAUTIFUL tribute to BEAUTIFUL Soul. As my tears flow, my heart smiles knowing Gabby’s entire life was well-lived and well-lpved.

    Thank you so much for sharing this very, very special Soul with us.

    Pay attention, Gabby will let you know shes’s still around.

    Love and light

    Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. We are so very, very sorry. It’s never easy to say goodbye.

    Gabby lived the dream life doggies hope for, you gave her your heart and everything she could desire. What a lucky, lucky girl. May those memories be the glue that puts your broken heart back together as time goes on.

    Run free Gabby, you will always be our hero.

  3. Amazing story. You were meant to be together, and you have her a wonderful life. Please find peace in that.

  4. What a wonderful remembrance of Gabby! Brought a tear to my eye! You gave her a great home and a great life and she loved you! Her footprints will always be on your heart. xxxooo

  5. This is so sweet! What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful, deeply loved pet and family member! Christine and Andy, you will have her in your heart forever. Tears streaming now, remembering my beloved pets and knowing your silent pain. She is at peace. Love you both! Elizabeth

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