
  • Date of Birth: 06/05/2012
  • Date of Passing: 07/17/2024

The most loving, caring, friendly part of our family has left a lasting place in our hearts. Abby loved people, she loved laying in the yard and watched all the cars go by, neighbors to come and give her belly rubs! Everyone knew Abby and loved her❤️
She loved Greenies and liked to play with them before she ate them! Rest easy our sweet sassy girl you will always have a place in our hearts❤️
We love you always and forever ❤️❤️❤️

  • July 23, 2024
    Abby was truly the best dog a girl could have ever asked for. She was my "sissy" and I wouldn't of had it any other way. She loved everyone she met, and everyone loved her. She would greet you at the door with her tail wagging and a big woof every day. Abby would also do a "little woof" if she was looking for a treat. Her vocabulary was vast, with words like boat ride, bye-bye ride, Greenie, Treat, walk, and the names of all of her humans and k9 friends. There were some days I thought she was more human than dog. I honestly can't believe my heart hurts this much without my girl here, but the world is still spinning. She was my best bud, the one that napped with me on the weekends, or would come stay at my house with Mom and Dad were gone. The one that taught my dogs how to lick the dishes as soon as they were put in the dishwasher, or how to hog the bed, or to be a little sassy on certain days. My dogs were lucky to learn from such a wise lady. Abby, I love you to pieces. I hope you are up in heaven eating all the greenies, being the best walkin' dog, and getting all of the belly rubs. I love you forever sassy pants <3
  • July 23, 2024
    I was very spoiled that Abby's family shared her with me almost weekly. Abby would come in to work and light up the entire office. We were all better people when she was around! She was the kind of dog that literally touched the heart every human she met. Abbys gentle sole, deep eyes, and super soft fur made everything ok no matter what was going on that day. She had a peacefulness that put me at ease. A faithful companion that lounged by my cube chair and followed me on every short walk to the printer just to check if I was doing anything interesting. Abby you made me really happy, you're in my heart forever (and you took a little peice of my heart with you when you left.) Enjoy the next chapter, in heaven. I know that you are chasing bunnies in the sky now. All my love 😘

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