Bob Marie

  • Date of Birth: 09/22/2023
  • Date of Passing: 09/13/2023

I was blessed enough to have nearly 15 years with my sweet girl, and while I knew that the burden of loving a fur baby was in knowing you would outlive them, I never realized how very hard it would be to let her go. She was a constant presence throughout the best and worst moments of my adult life. My heart is shattered. My house feels quite a bit more empty and ridiculously quiet without the sound of her little feet wandering around. I will miss her, immeasurably. The sweet, silky spot on her nose. The way her nub of a tail would wag whenever she was happy. The snores, and the sound of her drinking water and the way she would sit next to me when she wanted company. Bob Marie, you chose me, I should have known what this would be when you are the “Puppies for Dummies” book. I’ll miss you forever my love, say hi to Tobie for me and enjoy your rest.

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