Icronically this memorial for our dear, sweet Dixie dog was written on Memorial Day 2020. We’ve been heartbroken and without you now for three days and we know this will be the hardest part of 2020 that we will experience, even amid the Covid 19 pandemic. What a blessing it has been to be home with you every day during the Stay at Home shut down, taking you for little walks, spoiling you with treats, and spending so much quality time together. We didn’t know these would be your last days with us, but we saw you changing and we began to realize that we had a painful decision to make. We did not want to let you go, but we saw your confustion and pain and we knew it was time give you rest. Sadly, the best thing for you was the worst thing for us.
You were once a stray puppy, scared and hungry, and the decision to give you a home was the smartest thing we ever did. We miss the way you would rest your chin on our knee, give a lick, and look at us with those sweet eyes or stomp your paws and softly woof to get our attention. We will miss your gentle demeanor and the way you greeted us at the door with your month full of stuffed toys and a wagging tail. Every day we still look for you and wish we could hear you walk across the floor or see you lying at the foot of the couch. Even on our trips to the dog park to play with other dogs, you chose to sit with us and just watch. We know this winter will be especially hard. When the first snow falls, you will be on our minds, remembering how you loved to go outside, lie on the cold ground, and lick the fresh snow. From our days in the boat at the lake to the long car rides and vacations, every memory of you was a good one and we will cherish the time we spent together.
Dixie your unconditional love for the past 14 years will be in our hearts forever. You were loyal, loving, obedient, and always eager to please us, even in your last days. To say that you were man’s best friend does not do you justice. You welcomed our kitties, Mr. Puddy and Tinky, into your home and even let them eat from your bowl. We know you enjoyed their companioinship until it was their time to rest too. Together we were your pack. You gave us far more than we ever gave you. Now we are left to grieve the three of you and hope you are together again and waiting for us at the end of the rainbow bridge. We were your doggie mom and dad and we loved you “woof” all of our hearts.