Lucy Bear

    The day I went to pick up my boxer pup I had no intentions on bringing home a girl. She picked me. Following me around whining because she wanted to be picked up. I couldn’t resist her. She was the perfect fit to my family that consisted of me and my french bulldog Riley. From the moment I walked through the door with her it just worked. Riley and Lucy had the perfect brother sister relationship. They went everywhere together and experienced life together.

    The only way to describe my Lucy Bear is loving. She never met a person or animal that she didn’t love. She never held back how she felt about anyone either, giving kisses freely to everyone. There wasn’t one day of her 5 year life that she wasn’t following me from room to room. She frequently would check on me when I was in the shower or closet just a little too long. She always kept a close eye on our whole family. She was a very loyal dog, but less like a dog and more like a person. She was a happy girl always giving us the boxer wiggle. No matter if I was gone for 5 minutes or 5 hours she was always so ecstatic to see me. She was the one to see me off in the morning for work and would be the first to greet me when I returned. I always felt as though she was my biggest fan. She never went a day without giving the most love she could.

    Lucy’s favorite thing was going for walks and running through the field at my parent’s house. She also loved going for rides in the car, going out on the boat, and she also was a great swimmer. She never showed any fear in the water. Where ever there was water she would be the first one in. She always was happy as long as she was with someone. She never liked to be alone.

    Lucy was diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy two weeks after her fifth birthday. With no symptoms until then it was a total devastation to the family. Little did we know that she would be gone two weeks after the diagnosis.

    Riley misses your companionship. He still turns to look for you when he goes outside and checks the bedroom to see if your in there on your bed. He lays next to your bed frequently as though he is waiting for you to just appear. I can tell he misses you beyond measure.

    Our lives will be forever touched by you Lucy. There will be no replacement to you as you hold a huge part of my heart. I still feel you here with me and I know that some day I will see your sweet face again. Until then my life will not be as complete without you here by my side. I love you my sweet girl!

    Brian, Lisa, and Riley Woodward

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