mandy marie milobar

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mandy was just 3 months old when she came into my life. i fell in love with her the moment i saw her and i took her home with me that nite. we fast became life companions, there was never anywhere around the house where we werent together, she stuck to me like glue and i loved every moment of it. she loved going for rides and would sit on my lap as i tried to navigate the steering wheel. she loved her walks, she would walk ahead of me like she was a queen and i would tell her how spoiled she was and that a good girl gets to go for a walk, she would just turn and look at me and keep walking. every morning i would wake up and she would roll over for her belly rub and the song i would sing to her, it was how we started out our day “daddy scratcha belly daddy scratch a belly i love you i love you yes i do”. i would have to sing it over and over and she would just lay there and smile, i would laugh and run my finger over her lips and say “are you smiling at me”. i do alot of gardening and mandy was always right there by my side inspecting everything i did, sometimes she would lay in the sun at my side and as i moved along the yard planting in my garden she would get up and move the same couple steps i took and lay back down. at nite when we went to sleep she would lay on my pillow by my head and lick my face and neck and i would tell her daddy loves those kisses they are the best kisses in the world, then i would have to say “ok mandy thats too many kisses save some for tomorrow daddy might need more tomorrow”. during the nite if i had to get out of bed i would return to her licking my pillow and i would just laugh and say “are you licking daddys pillow” then i would climb into bed and she would roll over on her back and cradle in my arm with her side against my side and i would laugh and tell her how much i love her and we would fall asleep. she had a faint snore at first then it would just roar, i soon got used to that sound and it would lull me to sleep. mandy was very smart, she would get her ball and jump up on the couch and i would tell her to throw it and she would tip her head back and sling the ball at me, we would do that over and over. she knew how to play dead when you pointed your hand like a gun and said “bang”. she would shake hands with you when you said “pleased to meet you”. and she loved to chase the squirrels out of the yard. there were so many tricks she knew in her short 5 yr life on earth. her death was sudden and i was in a fog not knowing what to do. having always heard it was illegal to bury your dog in your yard and not being sure i could mentally handle putting her body in the ground, i opted to have the emergency clinic take care of her remains. that next morning i was in a state of panic and needed her home with me but the clinic was closed. i called my vet and they located her as being picked up by faithful companions in royal oak. wayne called me back and said he had her with him and she had not been cremated yet, i asked if i could see her to make sure it was her and have her ashes back and he arranged a private viewing for me. they had her laying peacefully on a beautiful pillow in a white box with her name on it. i was able to pet her and shower her with kisses and tell her i loved her. wayne also gave me a few minutes alone time with my baby girl and stay with her till he did the cremation. i will forever be in debt to faithful companions and especially wayne for helping me find my baby and bring her home. i took her urn to be with me last nite and this morning i held it in bed and sang her song i used to sing every morning to her. today i will put on the coat i held her in as she died in my arms and i will put her urn in its pocket and take her for a walk, just one last time, daddys little girl. thank you wayne for being so caring with her and so comforting to me. your kindness means the world to me, and i will never forget your help in bringing my baby home with me forever.

sincerely, derek milobar

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