
    Tex, I am totally devastated that you passed away today, 1/19/2015. You were a part of our family for 12 years and were the sweetest dog we could have ever had. I will miss your constantly wagging tail and your smile. I know I will see you again, but until then we’ll meet up in my dreams. Love you buddy.

    • January 27, 2015
      Tex - It's been a week since you passed away and I'm still devastated that you're gone. I still get upset on a daily basis that your not here following me or putting your head in my lap to be scratched. We have your ashes back and I tell you good morning and give you a kiss goodnight. We're all in disbelief that you're gone. James hung your collar on his wall. He's started sleeping with a stuffed black lab. Cameron has written stories about you. Katherine breaks down because you're not under her feet or sitting by her when she is working. Also, your girlfriend, Nola, wanders the yard looking for you and sleeps in your spot. She doesn't like being alone because you were always with her. Tex, I hope you know I would've paid any amount of money, seriously, to bring you home, but the cancer had spread to too many places. We tried everything we could, but it wasn't enough. I know you knew what was going on as I could see it in your eyes along with the little wag you gave me before you were gone. I feel really guilty about what happened, but selfishly I wanted to bring you home. It wouldn't have been fair to you as you were getting weaker and loosing too much weight. I still look at the clock at 10:30 because that's when you always went out. I hope you forgive me and know that I loved you with all my heart. I miss and love you buddy. I'll see you soon.

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