
  • Date of Birth: 11/13/2001
  • Date of Passing: 07/19/2022

Babe was such a character. She had so many wonderful attributes and behaviors that made her presence such a blessing. When she needed or wanted something she would come to me and perform this little five second dance, pause for a moment and look in the direction of her desire and if I did not respond soon enough, she would repeat the dance. She did this when she wanted a treat, when she wanted her meal, when she needed to go outside or just wanted my attention. She was unbelievably timely for her meals; you could almost set you watch by her. She came from an abusive home, and it took her a few weeks to warm up. During this time, her safe place was under my bed. She would come out for a meal after I left for work or after I went to sleep. I had to crawl up under the bed to get her for house training. Finally, she would come to the door and peer around the corner and watch me in my chair. When I made eye contact, she would rush back under the bed. I just let her test the waters. Eventually, she bravely took a leap of faith and came to my chair. We were inseparable buddies after that. She was my shadow when I was doing house chores, when I was outside watering the plants, when I sat and read and especially when I prepared my meal. Babe Was born on October 13th, 2001, and I sadly lost her July 19th, 2022.

  • July 27, 2022
    I'm so sorry for your loss. While grieving the loss of my childhood dog and posting a memorial, I was especially moved by your post. I was born in December of '01, and honestly felt humbled when I read your story and saw she was two months older than me. She reminds me of how close me and my boy were and his mannerisms, and knowing that she was as old as me oddly made me feel connected to her. She seems like an exceptional pup, I'm honored to have unknowingly spent so much of my time on the same earth as her. Rest in peace Babe <3

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