
  • Date of Birth: 08/07/2007
  • Date of Passing: 05/27/2024

Our Yorkie, Cayman, was fearless, friendly and playful! His snuggles we’re what we needed on a bad or good day.
My daughter and son-in law, loved and cared for him for 4 years, having to give him up and our grand dog soon became our loving pet.
It was an easy decision for us to take him, he loved when we came to visit, wagging his tail jumping up on us when we walked through the door, sleeping in bed with us, snuggling and following us every place we went.
He loved stealing socks, which we lovingly called him, the sock bandit. He played fetch with his rope toy or treat filled toy which he always performed a rollover or sitting command, for an added reward.
He loved stalking the local cats in the neighborhood.
As the years went on, our son took Cayman as his own. Lovingly caring for him, and they we’re great buddies. He wore my son’s favorite team collar M Go Blue, for the Michigan Wolverines. Cayman would watch the football games and wear the jerseys.
He didn’t like riding in the car, except for when we rolled down the window and the wind blew his fur on his face around, he was funny that way. We all loved the changes he made every year he was with us. Watching him going from a puppy to an older dog, everything old that he kept doing and all the new that he learned along the way!
We we’re blessed beyond measure!
Our saddest day was when Cayman was diagnosed with end stage kidney disease in Sept 2023 with only 2 days to live, according to our vet. Our hearts we’re broken!
My husband and I hurried home from Indiana to Florida to be with Cayman and our son. He was happy to see my husband and I when we arrived, he just wasn’t ready, he wanted to spend more time with us, divine intervention, I call it!
Cayman beat the odds, he lived another 7 more Months, till he died May 27, 2024, on all days, Memorial Day. He was a fighter, always was. Our son, Husband and I will miss our beloved, sweet fur baby and happy we had more time to love him. Baby Cammers, you we’re the best! Until we see you again Angel! RIP

  • May 30, 2024
    I just lost my yorkie, Tucker. He was 15 years old. We put him to rest Sat, May 25th. We found out he has stage 3 kidney disease last October. I received him as a gift on my 13th birthday, July 2009. I can’t help but think they were from the same bunch. I'm so very sorry for your loss. Sending lots of love and light.

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