
    Your true passion in life was food. I will miss all of the crazy lengths that you went to to get even the slightest crumb. You were the most charismatic dog I have ever known. It was almost like you were a person trapped in a dog’s body.
    I will miss you every single day for the rest of my life. You saved my life in so many ways… you were a true gift from God.
    You will always be the love of my life… fly high my sweet baby boy.

    • June 11, 2020
      I remember he was staying the weekend with his cousins Lola and Nikko, which he did often and loved then btw, but after he left i was picking up afghans off the floor in the corner and found several stashed apples that he pulled out of the pantry one by one and hid them for later. I'll miss you so much gring butt and we very loved ❤ say hi to Lola please🐾🌈
    • June 11, 2020
      Gringi, I know Aunt Jen thought she took care of you but you really took great care of her. We love you most of all for being the best best friend. I will never forget your howls in the early morning when you saw my face before I left for work. They were always howls of love no matter how loud and annoying at 5am. The need for nummy food was insatiable but almost comforting predictable because we know what could please you. You were a gentle soul that will be forever missed and always in our hearts. ❤love you Gringi butt❤
    • June 11, 2020
      Gringi butt❤️ Rest In Peace little boy❤️ It was so nice to see you one last time last week. You are so lucky to have such a loving mama, & we will make sure to take good care of her while you are gone 😊 even though sometimes your bug eyes shed tears of black tar I will still miss my little fur baby cousin❤️❤️ Fly high 🌈🌈
    • June 11, 2020
      Gringi you were my best homie last summer when I stayed with you & aunt gin you helped get me through a tough time in my life and always made me smile. You will always be my Kate night snack buddies and I will miss you forever!❤❤❤
    • June 11, 2020
      Gringi you were my best homie last summer when I stayed with you & aunt gin you helped get me through a tough time in my life and always made me smile. You will always be my late night snack buddies and I will miss you forever!❤❤❤
    • June 11, 2020
      I loved gringi butt so much, and loved playing with him whenever I would spend the night at aunt jens. I have countless memories of him horking down large amounts of food, and I can even picture his cute little eyes bugging out of his head right now. I always loved petting his ears because they were so soft, and I remember he would always be blessing from his eyes. He had one hell of a bark, and I enjoyed all the times he came over and played with his cousins Lola and nico. RIP Gringi butt ,I love you and will remember you forever...💕💕
    • June 11, 2020
      Gringi, I will never forget staying at your Mum's house with you when we flew into town. You always humped our feet and then tried to get food out of my purse & luggage first thing! But then you would come snuggle up next to us and be so happy 😍. I'll also never forget your Mom taking you out to the bathroom when there was a foot and a half of snow outside! She had some funny commentary about that experience! I know you are feeling better now and that there are as many cupcakes as you want!! Will miss you 💕💕 Thanks for being there for my sis all these years!
    • June 11, 2020
      Gringo, You were the most interesting dog I’ve ever known. From the way that you shamelessly humped people’s legs to the enormous amounts of food you could gobble. You never failed to make me laugh. But you were also so loving and kind. You always greeted me with such passionate snuggles and those big cute eyes. I will never forgot the story your mom made up about you holding on to a palm tree with your short lil legs during a tsunami. You and your mom were the perfect pair. You completed her. When I think of your mom, you immediately come to mind. I will never forget you. You will always be in the hearts of all of your family. Love and miss you, Gringi doggo. hashtag pug life. 💙💘🐶
    • June 12, 2020
      Gringo, a small dog, with a big heart & big eyes, not to mention his deep hunger. So many little things like making it from couch to kitchen counter & eating 2 bags of chocolate kisses , wrapper & all, his penchant for raiding the cats litter box for his crunchy treats. My grand pup also loved me & knew when I wasn’t well. Liked to sleep on my feet. Most of all he loved his Mama & I know another furbaby is waiting for her to heal her broken heart.💔He could be aggravating but was a smart little guy and very well loved . Run the fields of Rainbow Bridge Gringi. Enjoy the sun You were a fighter, you earned your rest. ❤️❤️❤️
    • June 12, 2020
      Gringi: he wasn't just a dog he was a friend, a friend/buddy, one of the best ones I ever had. As weird as it sounds I've talked to him as if I was talking to a real human friend and I felt no matter what I had to say even if the story was BS, he was picking up what I was laying dwn "like he understood what I was saying" he knew when I came around he was gettin a treat, a walk outside, or a trip to the park, he loved the park & car rides. One thing I will never forget about him is this sweeet trick he did with a can of whip cream, NO whip cream dared to hit the floor, he would catch every bit faster than it could come out of the can. He was a special kind of different that u dnt come across very often, but I'm thankful I got to know him & spend some time w him. I will always miss him, that was my lil fur buddy and I'll be sure to look him up in the next life so we can pick up where we left off. R.I.P gringi I'll never forget about u. P.s sorry about that time mom called u green tea she didn't mean it.

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