
  • Date of Birth: 05/05/2003
  • Date of Passing: 11/13/2020

Our beloved Hershey was a wonderful companion for nearly 18 years! We miss him dearly, reminded each day of how much he filled our lives with joy, from the pitter patter of his tiny feet on our tile floor, the warmth of his touch as he lay beside us in bed, his warm greetings to us as we returned home after being away, his loud purr as he relaxed for hours on our laps, to his gentle meow at 6:00am asking to be fed. Our dog, Sadie, seems sad also, often looking around the house for her furry playmate that she loved to chase.
I fondly recall the euphoric feeling (like “heaven” I used to say) of sitting in my recliner while petting our motorized li’l buddy for hours as he stretched out on my lap and his sister, Sadie, as she stretched out beside me on the floor. None of the world’s problems seemed to matter – – we all enjoyed the warmth and tranquility of those moments.
Hershey fought hard for a long time against several chronic diseases, never complaining or losing his ability to purr and share his love. We hope he feels our love and approves of our decision as he relaxes, purrs, and plays with his newfound furry friends on the rainbow bridge. We will join him there someday and walk across the bridge with him. Until then, we hold a special place in our hearts for him and will continue to love and pet him through our memories of the wonderful times we had together! Rest in Peace li’l man!

Hugs and Kisses,
Lew and Sharon

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