Jack Daniels Crutchfield

  • Date of Passing: 08/21/2022

Jack passed away in the presence of his humans in the ICU at the Charlotte Animal Referral Emergency Specialty Hospital (CARES) on the morning of Sunday, August 21st. Jack battled chronic renal failure for nearly two years. Even though he became weaker over time, he managed to make the most of each day.

Jack appeared in our garage during the summer of 2013. We had no desire to have an animal of any kind. But Jack had other plans. He eventually grew on us, and we let him into our home and eventually into our beds. He soon became the center of our world and our schedules. We are forever changed because Jack adopted us.

We were fortunate Jack was in our lives for just over nine years. We did everything we could to make his life enjoyable, but he still had some tough times. He experienced being attacked by the same neighborhood dog twice and had a severe and rare neck issue (discal cyst) which required surgery in 2018. Jack also became deaf after receiving medicine that damaged his hearing. But despite these challenges, Jack was happy, and he made us happy.

Jack loved being outside and taking walks throughout the neighborhood where he had human and canine friends. He especially enjoyed sunbathing on the front porch, digging in the flower beds, taking family trips, and rolling in the grass. But most of all, Jack loved spending time with his two humans who love him dearly. We will forever remember your late-night snuggles, after-bath zoomies, unexpected kisses, and the unconditional love you gave us. Jack was one of a kind, and he will forever have a part of our hearts.

In memory of Jack, we ask that you insist that your pets have annual bloodwork and that you take the time to learn about chronic renal failure in animals. And most of all, please make the most of every day and spend all the time you can with your animal companions.

  • September 20, 2022
    I'm so sorry. I know what a tragic loss this is for you both. You are certainly correct when you say he adopted you! I know how much Pat loved going for neighborhood walks and how hard it will be to walk alone now. Again, thinking of you both and sending hugs your way.
  • September 20, 2022
    A beautiful tribute for a beautiful life lived! I am heartbroken for you and your mom and I am praying for you both ❤️
  • September 21, 2022
    Sorry to hear about Jack's passing. Thinking of you both.
  • September 21, 2022
    There’s no difference between the loss of a family member, and the loss of a pet. Friendship, faithfulness, devotion, love, it’s all the same! I’ve lost three, wonderful dogs and think about them a lot. My deepest consolation.

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