
    March 3 2016 We had to have the best dog I Have ever had put to sleep. Never have I had such a loyal friend. Her never wanted for love. In the end I couldn’t hold on to him just for my own selfishness.Hardest Thing I Ever had to do. Always will remember you Junior. No other dog will ever be able to replace completly the hole left in our hearts.

    • March 5, 2016
      I met Jr when he was just about 6. We hit it off right away. I couldn't love that little dog anymore that if I had raised him myself. He loved people and anyone who walked through the door was his friend. My son describes it like Junior was so full of love it hurt. A faithful and loving friend to the very end. My heart is aching.
    • March 5, 2016
      And just like he had known you since he was pup. He showed you his unconditional love for you.

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