Nicholas MacDonald

    On Monday, 12/8/2014 at 11:01 a.m. Nicholas disincarnated gently and peacefully at home while in my arms with Scott’s arms around us both.
    Thank you our Darling Nicholas for incarnating back on December 25th, 1998. I remember it like it was yesterday ~Our Christmas Miracle Nicholas came to bring and infuse so much Joy and Love while you taught and shared with us about unconditional Love, loyalty, play, rest, Presence and devotion!
    What I notice more than the sadness which comes and goes in waves now at your darling physical body no longer running around here is the utter and simple Love, Joy and Gratitude that doesn’t go away. I continue to experience your Presence and Love so tenderly and the Joy and Bliss that arises in our connection.
    During your last days there was so much healing light, love and support in and around you it was natural to be at Peace and in-Joy and celebration for you even when sadness and fear came up. We shared tears together, we gazed into each other’s eyes for hours throughout many nights. Toward the very end we had many moments and then a full day and a half of completely falling into the abyss of eternal love. Exquisite Peace was all around.
    Nicholas it was holy and an honor for me to be your Soul midwife as you transitioned and birthed your beautiful consciousness into your next glorious adventure! Thank you for so many gifts of You and for growing our hearts!
    We will always treasure and be in gratitude of the Love and sacred contract we share with one another and be in delight that we could never lose you because your Presence is always alive! Once again you bring the Christmas gift of Pure Love and Joy! 

    Thank you St. Francis and to all of you Dear Ones who were sending your love, prayers and healing light. It was and is so healing! <3
    In Love, reverence and gratitude,
    ~Mommy and Daddy

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