
    iley, my best friend, my rock, today we had to say goodbye to you. Although I’ve been in denial for a bit, your good days were far outnumbered by the not-so-good ones lately. As you know, we would would do anything for you, and, although this was the hardest decision we’ve ever had to make, you were ready, and it would have been selfish to keep you physically with us any longer. Your legs were fragile, your pace was slow, your eyes and ears weren’t working anymore…we could tell you were tired.

    First, I want to thank you for being my constant, loyal, unwavering companion for over 15 years. You’ve been there through my darkest days as well as my most joyous ones, always by my side. You loved having two homes and two daddies to call your own. You spread your infectious love to all of those who were part of both of our lives.

    My heart is honestly broken and I’m devastated but I know you are once again chasing your brother Milo, running at full speed like a bunny rabbit, jumping, leaping and most of all giving your “Wheaten greetin’” to all of our loved ones in heaven. I am so grateful that I got to spend the last 36 hours with you nonstop. You and I drove around to the houses you’ve lived in, stopped at Wendy’s for lunch (where you enjoyed a yummy hamburger), stopped by to say goodbye to your favorite groomer, Diego, and, most importantly, just relaxed and snuggled. I’ll be forever grateful that Kyle and I were able to be at your side while you laid in your favorite bed at home and drifted away. I know you would do the same for me. I will miss and love you, my favorite girl, always and forever. Until we meet again.

    Riley Coates-Peters
    January 27th, 2003- March 23rd, 2018.

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