
  • Date of Birth: 03/05/2008
  • Date of Passing: 08/05/2021

The aggressive dog who wasnt actually aggressive
Worst part about having a dog is saying good bye so they can run across the rainbow bridge…

This was a dog who was left to starve outside on a chain. Then a no kill shelter labeled aggressive as she stayed waiting for a home for 4 years behind bars. She weighed 110 pounds solid muscle when we met. I as well only weighed 110 pounds at the time.

I took her home, even with all the warnings. I was told she had food aggressive issues, hated cats, kids, men in hats, couldn’t be with other dogs and she wouldn’t even let me put a harness on her without snipping.

Weeks and months went by….

She had no more food aggressive issues, loved kids, loved men in hats…saw a harness as a walk. Would dance and circle with excitement. You see Cleary she’s fine with dogs. Well cats are cats.. 😉 lol .. I understood her because at that time I had lost everything. From belongings to trust in humans.

She become the most FRIENDLY, LOVING, BEST dog anyone could have. The perfect amount of knowing when to gaurd and protect. Perfect amount of greeting and loving to meet new people. If she were human, would have been that lady who offers wine and snacks to company. I will miss you so much sadie.

Unfortunately, she went from being the strongest dog I’ve ever met, to starting to go paralyzed in the back legs. She made it to about 13 (unknown age) I hope she is now running again in the meadows and fields ….

People say I’m wonderful for saving her and changing her life…making her reach her potential….sadie saved me…we saved each other from dark times and pain from what humans did to us….I am so grateful to have known her the second half of her life. Love you Sadie Mae 💓

Ps from canton south, Ohio. Thank you for driving so far to bring her back to me.

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