Customer Testimonial

Roxann Berry

Yesterday was one of the hardest days of me and my family’s life. We had to say good bye to our faithful friend and family member,after almost 18 years. Faithful Companion made this day alot easier with their speedy service, compassion and professionalism. By being able to help us less than an hour after he passed. They were already here to pick him up. With so much compassion as well making sure we have had enough time with him and making sure he was transported with the love and respect of a family member. He was brought back to me this morning and oh my goodness they did such an amazing job. Thank you so much for all the wonderful personal extra touches. Like condolence cards. Thank you for what you do! I’ll never forget you guys! Also I will be referring other pet owners to you in the future. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts.
The Berry Family