
  • Date of Birth: 03/21/2011
  • Date of Passing: 02/28/2023

Squirt, you will always be my heart! It has been an absolute honor and privilege to have you as mine, care for you, adore you, and love you beyond words! You will aways be the “Baby Bear” out of all my “Little Bears!” I love everything about you and I am so grateful that God brought you into my life! You have been such a gift and blessing to me! Thank you for trusting me to save you from our old apartment complex parking lot! Thank you for always making me laugh and smile! Thank you for always being at the door waiting for me to come home! Thank you for standing over me as I sleep, staring at me so that I would wake up and give you some pets & scratches! Thank you for talking to me with your meows, your headbutts, and your constant purrs! Thank you for all the snuggles and snuggle time! Thank you for being my sunshine! Thank you for loving me and making our time together so tremendously special! Thank you for being my heart! I love you forever! I will miss you every day until I see you again! God bless you, Squirt!

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