Customer Testimonial


I lost my basset Maverick roughly 6 months ago to cancer, he was only 5yrs and my “handsome man”. He was my 2nd dog but the 1st I have ever lost, he was stubborn, he wouldn’t do anything if he didn’t want to, especially if there wasn’t a treat involved. He fought his cancer the same way, extremely stubborn. I always knew he would let me know when it was time and he did. It brings tears to my eyes as I type this but the reason I type this is worth it. I believe more who about Faithful Companion’s, the better. Sam showed up at my door within minutes to pick my handsome man up and was back the very next day with his ashes. Spending the 1st night w/o him the for the 1st time in 5yrs was harder than anticipated and having him back home the very next night made helped more than I could imagine. A special thanks to Sam and Faithful Companions for helping me make the worst part of losing a pet, seamless. Thank you again.