Customer Testimonial

Michelle Caudle Phelps

Our sweet baby Cassie “Sass” passed away 01/06/23 from cancer. My daughter found Cassie as a kitten when she was just a couple of months old. She brought our family so much love the last 10 years and was the sweetest thing. She was my daughters first real pet. We will miss the way she would lay up on our chest and rub her head across our cheeks and purr. We will miss seeing her lay with her three other siblings in the morning on the couch and just being able to see that sweet baby face. Thank you Faithful Companion for doing such an amazing and beautiful job at honoring our precious Cassie. Our baby was home with us again in less than 24 hours of her passing. The urn and the paw print are both absolutely beautiful. I have lost quite a few pets over the years and I have never had any of them be honored like this before.